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Young Driver Scheme

A unique experience for young drivers



The next YDS day is 20th October 2024

This is fully booked at present but please send in registration form to go on waiting list.

Please pay for the lessons by BACS
(090127 37739056)
and text pupils name to say paid.
Alternatively pay by cash on the day.

07847 645632

The first lesson of the day is 10.30am.

Social distancing rules still apply when booking in.
Booking in is through the door to the left of the Main Golf Club entrance.
Please see Google Streetview

Please keep 2 metres apart when inside the building.

There are limited places for 14 year olds at present.

Sorry but for the forseeable future the Fire Brigade/Community Wheels are unable to present the talks.

Thanking you for your support and patience in these times.

Many thanks regards Nicola

Do you know anyone who is under the age of 17 years and who would like to start driving lessons? We provide 15 and 16 year olds with professional tuition from DSA Approved Driving Instructors in dual control cars to help them develop car handling skills on a network of private roads.

  • Priority will be given to 16 year olds, but places will be allocated to 15 year olds if vacancies permit.
  • We can now offer lessons to pupils 14 years of age if space permits.

We can offer Auto lessons only to 14 year olds
if available.

  • Lessons are arranged once a month on private land at Earls Colne Business Park, Earls Colne, Essex CO6 2NS.
  • All driving lessons will be in Dual Controlled Cars with a DSA ADI (a Driving Standards Agency Approved Driving Instructor), so that young people can develop car control skills before they go out onto the public Highway.
  • We now have an automatic car that can have adaptations added for learners with disabilities or for anyone that would like to have lessons in this type of car.
  • Click here for details about the scheme.
  • Click here for registration details.
  • Essex Fire & Rescue Service show their support.
  • See what the Press had to say.
  • To contact the YDS Organiser e-mail or telephone 07847 645632.
  • For others schemes operating across the country, see the list of UK young driver scheme links compiled by the IAM.

Chelmsford & District Group of Advanced Motorists